Services and Fees

I am offering in person sessions with thorough covid-19 mitigation precautions, or online via secure video conferencing software

*Please note, I am taking a waitlist for new individual clients. No wait for couples*

Rates |

Determining Our Fit : if you would like to speak with me to get a sense for whether you would like to book an initial session, I offer a short phone call (up to about 15 minutes) free of charge.

Individuals: 50-minute session - $150

Couples: 50-minute session - $175; 75-minute session - $265

Payment | Payment is due each session and can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque. Receipts are provided upon payment. Please call your extended health care plan provider to find out whether you have coverage specifically for a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC). 

Funding | I am registered to provide services through the Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP), ICBC, and the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA).

Cancellations | Because your appointment time is reserved exclusively for you, I request at least 24 hour notice for cancellations (whenever possible). If notice is given under 24 hours or no notice is provided, the full fee is due (with discretionary exception for emergencies).

Registering Bodies | Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC)

If you have questions or would like to book: